Project name: Support commercialization of the equine herd by increasing the milk and meat productivity with use of innovative solutions.
Entity information: Baigal Bolor LLC was established in 2012. The company operates a veterinary clinic, veterinary drug store, animal husbandry, agriculture, milk and dairy production and sales, and farming businesses. The company employs 12 staff, including 9 full-time and 3 part-time employees.
Partner entity: Veterinary School of MULS
Project objective: Experiment to increase meat and milk productivity of equine herd by inseminating mares with deep-frozen semen of heavyweight breeds of stallion
Planned activities:
Based on existing operations, import deep-frozen semen of elite heavyweight stallion from reputable equine selection institutions that organize training and horse extension services in their respective countries or internationally and provide artificial insemination service,
Localize international best practices of horse extension and the other veterinary experiences domestically obtained through the companies importing the frozen semen as part of the technology transfer,
By registering mare's fertility rate and veterinary services during gestation and calving period, further conduct analyses and assessments on the physical development of the produced offspring and disseminate the results to the public.
Proposed solution:
Improve productivity of the equine barn business by improving meat and dairy production,
Improve benefits of the equine barn business by implementing advanced biotechnology methods of reproduction and accelerating the economic circulation,
Promote benefits of the project through direct and indirect beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries: Besides 75 herder households, herders, veterinarians, and zoologists of the project soum, the professors and students will directly and indirectly benefit from the project.
Project location: Batsumber, Bayantsog, and Bayandelger soums, Tuv province