Entity information: Devshil Agro Cooperative was incorporated in 2017, according to laws and regulations validly enforced in Mongolia. The cooperative operates with 9 members and cooperates with 270 members from 63 households in 2-3 soums.
Partner entities: Enger Murun LLC, Amuu Buudai LLC, Province Nucleus Cattle Breeding Department, and Khuvsgul Center LLC
Partnership profile: Professional consultancy services on livestock slaughtering and meat supply, livestock breeding and selection, and flock sorting.
Project objective: The project aims to establish a suitable business model of a small-scale meat farm with a full cycle of operations, based on the intensified technology and increased yield per hectare with an irrigated cultivation area relying on domestic natural sources and fertile soil.
Planned activities: Develop beef farm, supply factory processed meat and by-products, obtain cows and bulls with improved productivity, and improve livestock fodder supply.
Proposed solutions: In cooperation with the LCP and with the guidance of operational methodology, investment support, and professional consultancy teams we will implement the strategy reflected in the project document by creating a Value Chain by ensuring the partnerships between Government organizations, herders, and citizens.
Beneficiaries: Partnering companies and members of cooperation, local citizens and herders
Project location: Murun and Erdenebulgan soums, Khuvsgul province