About Us
National Association of Animal Registration and Information NGO
Project name: Implement innovative electronic method in animal registration and breeding in animal husbandry
Entity information: National Association of Animal Registration and Information NGO is an official member of the working committee established by the Minister of Food Agriculture and Light Industries for the implementation of the “Mongol Mal” national program adopted by the State Great Khural of Mongolia. Within the scope of the program, we implemented a livestock registration database and registered livestock according to the Memorandum of Understanding, executed with Agricultural Departments of 21 provinces in cooperation with the General Department of Veterinary Medicine / Former Veterinary Medicine Enterprise/. We also organized short training on animal registration and information for veterinary specialists of soums and staffs of the local Agricultural department in cooperation with MFALI and Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TiKA). Within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of France, we participated in the implementation of the “Animal Identification and Registration System (AIRS) STDF/PG/534” project of the AllFlex Europe S.A.S, European Union animal registration entity and the French Livestock Institute (IDELE).
Partnership profile: Will participate in the project in cooperation with Golden Innovation LLC, the official representative of the AllFlex Europe S.A.S company in Mongolia.
Project objective: We will test the planned service models by implementing an electronic RFID system and registration, intensifying the breeding and selection works and implementing the combined smart management system at the cattle farms of Batsumber soum of Tuv province in line with the “Mongolian Livestock -2” national program.
Planned activities: Introduce smart and innovative applications of livestock registration combining the MooCall and Shearwell systems for dairy cattle breeding and selection registries at the baghs of the Batsumber soum of Tuv province.
Proposed solutions: The first livestock registration and information database were created in 2011 and soon after its application was stagnated during its development phase, and currently there is no functioning nationwide centralized system. To resolve related problems hindering the enforcement of Law in Livestock health and Law on livestock genetic resources, the project will cooperate with the Animal Husbandry Policy Implementation Department of the MFALI to enforce these at the primary level. /Register the breeding flock of the farms and herder households of Batsumber soum of Tuv province in the online database and implement tracking system/
Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries, a total of 777 herder families, 709 milkers, single-family heads, 140 entrepreneurs of intensified farms who own 140 heads of animals.
/Companies operating intensified farms, farmers, and herder families of Batsumber soum of the Tuv province and professors and students of MULS /
Project location: Batsumber soum of the Tuv province
National Association of Animal Registration and Information NGO
Add: Bayanzurkh district, 4th committee, 15th khoroolol, Building 37-27, Jobi 72 center, city Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
E-mail: gbg.888999@gmail.com golden99innovation@gmail.com
Mobile/WhatsApp/Wechat: 00976 95956077
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009490273848
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