Partnership profile: Dairy products, meat, and meat product supply
Project objective: Supply regional demand for milk and dairy products, improve flock structure through breeding and selection technology and artificial semination methods. Improve milk and dairy product quality and productivity by ensuring the quality of raw materials supplied by herders and reducing transportation expenses to establish an ecosystem and infrastructure which supplies the market with cost-effective raw materials.
Planned activities:
Increase the “Enkh suu” NAF LLC’s processing capacity to 520 tons by 2024
Improve the cattle structure of 500 herder families with up to 200 heads of livestock from the surrounding 5 soums of the project site and increase the milk supply amount to 0.7 million liters per year
Improve veterinary service types, frequency, and accessibility
Develop an application to register animal origin and genealogical information and control sales and operational costs
Within the scope of partnership will supply 50 percent of the regional market demand or 1.1 million liters of milk.
Proposed solutions:
Provide training for partner cooperatives and herder households and train practical skills
Organize training on developing local brands and market promotion
Organize veterinary inspections regularly
Improve penetration of advanced equipment and technology of livestock care.
Over 500 herder families with up to 200 livestock heads of surrounding 5 soums will directly benefit from milk and dairy product sales. “Enkhsuu” NAF LLC and the “Baganuur brand” LLCs will benefit from sales. The project will create workplaces locally, increasing the disposable incomes of families.
Project location: 2nd bagkh, Bayandelger soum, Tuv province