Project name: Meat and Flock Supply Chain Partnership
Entity information: Standard Makh LLC has been operating in the meat sector in the 12th year, focusing on increasing the value of Mongolian pasture meat and producing healthy and quality food. The vision of our company is to provide our customers with products certified by professional human resources, information systems, and accredited internal control laboratories at every stage of the technology process implemented in accordance with the international standards.
Partner entity: Yumt gegee veterinary clinic and the standardized slaughterhouse (Ogtorgui sureg LLC) located in Umnudelger soum, Khentii province
Partnership profile: Joint solutions for productive partnerships
Project objective: Create a meat and meat product production supply chain that covers all the stages of the value chain such as receiving the cattle at the protected area, providing a complete set of veterinary services, adhering to hygiene standards of slaughtering and processing technology, and final product processing focused on cattle procured from 4 target soums of the Khentii province
Planned activities:
Establish a protected beef farm on 20 hectares of land area by organizing herders’ groups and cooperatives capable of growing beef cattle
Support local workspaces creation by investing in the slaughterhouse constructed by the Ogtorgui sureg LLC in the Umnudelger soum and improving the hygienic conditions of the plant
In cooperation with the veterinary unit improve the monitoring capability of the meat tracking system from the pastureland to the final product
Proposed solutions:
Increase the beef cattle headcount
Develop a protected farming system to improve the current conditions of meat production to change the current dependence on seasonal weather and animal diseases
Establish efficient partnerships between herders, meat processing factories, and veterinary clinics
Beneficiaries: Over 280 herders who would join herders cooperatives, soum veterinary clinic, Ogtorgui sureg LLC and the Standard Makh LLC,
Project Location: Khurkh bagkh, Umnudelger soum, Khentii province