Entity information: The NGO conducts research and development activities in the environmental and agricultural development field and implements innovations to serve society.
Partner entities: Governor’s office of Bulgan province, province Food and Agricultural Department, Land Department, land specialists of soums, local Agricultural departments and zoo meteorological services, United States Development Agency (USDA).
Project objective: Define haymaking plots and plant group territory sizes, and collect actual land data using modern advanced technology of drone; develop a simulation model of pastureland plant growth and development based on PHYGROW model to identify pastureland and hay yield by month and year. Moreover, we will develop a remote monitoring model of voles spread and estimate their growth trend.
Planned activities:
Develop a PHYGROW standard model of pastureland growth estimation for “Chilen ort” region of Dashinchilen soum of Bulgan province
Develop a PHYGROW standard model of pastureland growth estimation for Bayannuur haymaking area of Dashinchilen soum of Bulgan province
Identify the spread of voles within Dashinchilen soum of Bulgan province and develop its further growth model
Proposed solutions:
Define actual carrying capacity for winter and spring season and build a loss assessment model in case of the excessive headcount of livestock, by developing a PHYGROW simulation model
Develop voles spread and growth model. Therefore, it will enable opportunities to efficiently fight against voles with the lowest possible expense by estimating voles spread and growth assumptions of inter-province shared grazing land area administration.
Project Location: Dashinchilen soum, Bulgan province