About Us
Khishigten nuudelchin LLC
Project name: Develop a system for small-scale production management for agriculture, intensive livestock breeding, and herder households
Entity information: Khishigten Nuudelchin LLC was established in 2011 with 100 percent of its own financial sources, and since 2013, the company has continuously operated in the field of intensified animal husbandry and agriculture sector. The company cooperates with the General Veterinary Department of Tuv province, conducting quarterly disinfection, vaccination, and blood tests of each cattle to ensure flock health.
Partner entities: “Suu” JSC, “Battemman” LLC, Jigd Osokh LLC, Kherlen shand LLC, “Shargiin Modot” LLC, “APU tiger” JSC, agrarians of the Arkhust soum of the Tuv province, “Jigd Khuch” LLC, “Naranlist” LLC, “Erdenet foods” LLC, “Kazseed” LLC, “Ekho khan buyan” cooperative of Bulgan province, “Bugat agro” LLC, “Monjim” LLC of the Selenge province, “Mongolian cattle” LLC of the Khovd province, “Babuul trade” of the Khan-Uul district of Ulaanbaatar, “Molor Agro” LLC located in the Ar gunt valley of Ulaanbaatar, Animal Husbandry and BioTechnology school of the Mongolian University of Life Science, School of Applied Sciences of the National University of Mongolia, and “Yves Jura Betail” LLC of French Republic.
Partnership profile: Cooperate with the partner organizations on fodder cultivation and animal livestock breeding and selection.
Project objectives: Develop a system of small-scale production management for herder households and enterprises operating in the agriculture and intensive livestock breeding sector.
Planned activities:
- Cultivate fodders independently or in cooperation except for the mineral fodder, by estimating the annual demands of the participating parties
- Produce 3000 tons juicy forage, 50,000 packs of green fodder, and 300 tons of grain
- Create local milk and dairy product brands
- Procure beef cattle from local herders and prepare fresh meat products with a clear traceable origin for the market
Proposed solutions:
- Improved synergy amongst the agricultural and animal husbandry sectors
- The agricultural and animal husbandry businesses are waste-free production; thus, we will improve operational efficiency and save costs by improving intra-sectoral synergy between the companies
Beneficiaries: The project implementation will be based on an open principle for all interested companies and individuals by adopting a beneficial alternative defined by involving 8 intensified cattle farmers and citizens of the Arkhust soum that cooperate with our project for the first year of the project.
Project location: Noyon shand bagkh, Arkhust soum, Tuv province
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