About Us
Ochirt Olom LLC
Project name: The herd leader Breeding Flock Farming
Entity information: Our company is engaged in retail and services of animal husbandry, agriculture, and fruits and berries. Since 2014, we raise Bayad breed rams and Ulgiin red breed bucks and supply to the market.
Partner entity: State awarded herders group of the Khyargas, Zuungobi, Malchin, and Ulgii soums of Uvs province; “Khutsan Urjil” animal breeding and selection farm unit, soum agricultural departments, specialists of the Veterinary departments, 2 units of private veterinary clinics, soum Governor’s officer, and bagh administration.
Project objective: To increase herders' income and improve their livelihood by creating a nucleus flock, organizing livestock breeding activities and services on a scientific basis, and improving the quality and productivity of livestock.
Planned activities: Carry out activities to develop and maintain an animal breeding technology service unit based on the nucleus flock of the Bayad breed of sheep with extra vertebrae and Ulgii red breed of goat with high quality and high yield of cashmere.
Proposed solutions: The aim of the “Herd leader” breeding flock farm project is to coordinate organized breeding and selection activities using the Bayad breed of sheep and Ulgii red breed of goat for the selection, to increase the local flock productivity and improve the income level of herders and farmers. For the initial year of the project, the farm will breed 300 young rams and 200 heads of young bucks within the territory of the Bugat bagh of the Khyargas soum.
Beneficiaries: 60 herder households of Zuungobi, Khyargas, Malchin, and Ulgii soums of Uvs province.
Indirect beneficiaries: 150 herder households who would lease high-quality males and farms and herders who would procure the rams and bucks. The project will cover 10 female-headed herder households and 20 herder families in poverty with few heads of livestock and living at the substandard level.
Project location: Bugat bagh, Khyargas soum of the Uvs province
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